About me


Hello and a very warm welcome to “Knowledgeclubonline”.
When I began blogging here, it was with the intention of only writing about my Travel experiences. Soon, I found myself writing about Science, Paintings, Handicrafts, Nature Photography, Philosophy and Science, Herbal Medicines and India. More recently, I have started writing on art, food and product reviews.
I also write occasionally on Indian cultural issues that matter to me or interest me, or on topics that I want to contribute my two bits to. In other words, this blog reflects my many interests, much like my varied educational background — Pharmaceutical Technology, Environment and now, Indian Eco-tourism places.
I am one of the founders o#PHVCM (or PANDORA HOUSE VALUE CHAIN MANAGEMENT), 
  • ·         Supplying man power for Research and Development of products.
  • ·         Supplying skilled man power (Manager and other level technocrats & technicians) to the Govt. as well as in the private sector.
  • ·         Producing goods (like boutique textile, handicrafts, organic foods, herbal medicine/ accessories) and retailing.
  •      Organizing and promoting Services like Eco-tourism and E-Learning.  

Pandora House value chain management incorporates the values of S.E.E.
  • Social empowerment to protect against homogenization and community marginalization
  • Economic viability to promotehttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.pngcollective pride of ownership and as a tool for alleviating poverty and
  • Environmental responsibility to preserve ecosystems for future generations.
It is about preserving ecosystems, educating visitors about conservation, empowering localities, operating sustainable tourist attractions – and, most of all, having fun and unique experiences!
I am based in KOLKATA where I spend my days at my full-time job and research, my evenings devoted to eco-tourism organizer, painting, handicrafts and books, and my nights dreaming about faraway places to travel to. In between all this, I find time to pursue my interests and blog about them.😀 ðŸ˜€
This blog completed two years on 2nd November 2016 and it has been a heady journey of self-discovery and growth as an individual. 
The two years of blogging have also brought in some accolades, mentions and recognition along the way, particularly in travel blogging. You can read more about them here.
I love feedback. That is what keeps me going, so please, please, please don’t feel shy to comment here or get in touch with me via the Contact Page or                                           
                             (SHAILEYEE DAS) M.PHARM.
  PROPRIETOR (Pandora House Value Chain Management)
 E-mail ID: pandorahouseoffice@gmail.com
It’s absolutely free.🙂

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